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23 May, 09:31
Perm marked a 100-year anniversary of pioneers’ movement.
Photo by Vitaly Koksharov

The festivities started with “Pionersakay Zor’ka” (Pioneers’ Early Dawn) event at 04.30 a.m. on the Kama Embankment  and the follow-up events at the Soldatov Palace  

Perm enjoyed a massive celebration of a 100-year anniversary of the All-Union Pioneers’ Organisation  named after V.Lenin, which started long before dawn at 04.30 a.m. with a traditional event, “Pionerskaya Zor’ka” (“Pioneers’ Early Dawn” ) at the Kama Embankment  - accompanied by the pioneers’ songs,  the schoolchildren marched with the organisation’s banners.  The event was addressed by the Mayor of Perm Aleksei Demkin and the honoured guests. 

– Millions of Soviet schoolchildren, including myself, has had the experience of being the member  of the pioneers’ organization, which  has always been a special honour and privilege, but also implied a lot of  responsibility.  This meant one  was  actively  involved in helping those in need, participating proactively in the life of the school and the city and setting example for the younger kids.  The pioneering movement became the school of life to teach  the young people to be responsible for everything around them.  Many of the ideas and principles of that time are still relevant at present.  I have the honour to congratulate everyone who used to be a pioneer as well as those who continue  educating children in the spirits of pioneers! 

The festivities continued in the square in front of the Soldatov Palace, where the pioneers’ camp reconstruction was organised, enabling the visitors feel like a real “pioneer”. The Kama Embankment offered a variety of interactive locations presented by a number of youth organisations. 

The final event – the concert at the Soldatov Palace – included thematic  music and dance performances. The participants of the events included the veterans of the Pioneers’ movement, representatives of youth organisations of Perm and Perm Region, members of Russian Schoolchildren Forum. 

It is worth mentioning that  prior to the anniversary celebrations,  the ceremonial opening of the  “Time Capsule” was held at Perm Local History Museum. The museum item represents a replica of the pioneer’s bugle  with a letter to the pioneers of the XXI century, handed over to the museum 50 years ago by those pioneers who took part in the parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the pioneers organisation on May 19, 1972 in October Square in Perm. 

Today’s followers of the pioneers also addressed the future generations calling to carry forward “the mission of  bright  intentions and good deeds”. 
